Dental care for children

Dental care for children together we can spare tomorrow's adults unnecessary suffering and maybe make their world a little better place so let's spend some time talking about dental care for children protecting baby teeth is important after all there around for twelve years and not just as tools for chewing
healthy baby teeth are just as important for language development job growth
and the coordination at the mimic musculature as they are for aesthetics and therefore for your child's self-esteem if your child already has carrie is Steve then these need to be restored even if it's necessary to do so under a general anaesthetic any dentist who doesn't recommend treatment doesn't know anything about
childhood dental care carious teeth are home to millions a bacteria endanger the rest of the teeth in order to avoid reaching this point in the first place

let's take a brief look at this video many parents think well my child rarely eat sweets
however we only get a small percentage of our sugar intake in more or less the pure form the largest share is hidden in process products it's not always easy to recognize sugar products and food
items because the industry prefers to use
scientific names for them similar names to watch for include
sucrose or beet sugar which is household sugar
glucose also known as dextrose
fructose or fruit sugar
lactose which is milk sugar
and mottos or malt sugar
all types of sugar and honey have the same negative affect
they all helped create carries especially when sugar or food containing
are frequently eating between meals sugar generates plaque
which is a breeding ground for bacteria and bacteria cause carries
carries is very much a preventable dental disease
you can find out more in the video entitled carries
and plaque
as a guideline only allow your child two snacks per day
you might try the motto we only eat at the table without choice
which also helps promote a balance dining culture
after a meal are saliva is actually able to repair the dental enamel that has
been corroded by the food acids
but this process take some time frequent and/or particularly sweet snacks
over strain this natural and protective repair mechanism
therefore try to minimize nibbling on bake treats
bananas can be so sweet between meals instead
of your kid sugarless products like whole grain bread or other fruits
also keep in mind that you yourself are setting an example for your child
products advertised as being sugar-free are often not any better
although they don't contain house or sugar they may contain
other types of sugar
therefore it's smart to always check the list have been gradients
although sugar substitutes such as sorbitol now too tall Xyloto all arris a
malt do not cause carries
they should only be used as a limited alternative for sugar
because often they have a laxative effect
children in particular may be especially sensitive to even small amounts of the
sugar substitute
thus successive consumption up two or three
to Friendlys weeks in a row can trigger diarrhea
start practicing regular oral hygiene with the toothbrush
as soon as the first baby tooth is wrapping however don't use pressure or
the mechanical cleaning activity is the most important part
and of course after cleaning don't offer the child any sugar containing products
including milk
it's also a good idea to bring your child along with you to the dentist
so that he or she can get familiar with the dental environment before actually
getting treated themselves
use only a pea-sized amount at most of children's toothpaste as soon as your
child can spit it out
don't use any toothpaste with bombing surfactants
sweeteners or other sugar substitute also watch out for dyes or preservatives
and synthetic aromas such as strawberry flavor
this will only encourage children to swallow the toothpaste
fluoride tablets for children are not necessary and should not be used
however fluoride containing toothpaste is a good idea
you can make brushing a daily ritual in your child hygiene routine by reciting a
short song or poem during brushing
also make it a habit to perform a follow-up brushing on your child twice a
until their  it's important to do this because it's only around the age of
the children develop their motor skills enough to adequately brush their own
you are your child's best teacher so allow them to observe your own body care
one of these days your child will thank you